Kind vluchteling
- Who We Are - KIND KIND provides comprehensive psychosocial support programming, connecting thousands of children and families to essential medical care, mental health care, access to education, and .
- Home Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) - KIND Wij zorgen voor dagen vol met spel, sport en educatie in een veilige omgeving waar vluchtelingenkinderen weer kind kunnen zijn. Wij verzorgen de dagbesteding van .
- Voices of Unaccompanied Immigrant and Refugee Children - KIND Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) is the preeminent international nongovernmental organization devoted to the protection of unaccompanied and separated children. KIND envisions a world in .
- Our Programs KIND’s unaccompanied and separated child clients have stories of resilience, hope, bravery, fear, sorrow, and joy just like all of us, but their voices are often not heard, their experience and .
Vluchteling kind opvangen
Who We Are | . |
Voices of Unaccompanied Immigrant and Refugee Children | . |
Urge Congress to Renew Funding for Critical Legal Services | . |
Vluchteling kind adopteren | . |